About us

Deemed the friendliest congress, the Northern Salsa Congress ( the Newcastle Congress) is now in it's 15th year! With an abundance of workshops and parties over four nights and days, party and learn with local, regional and international stars of the dance scene. The event is held once again this year at the popular Holiday Inn, Seaton Burn and is easily accessible by train and taxi. For those driving the hotel has over 300 free parking spaces. we offer advanced and masterclasses as part of the normal "Gold Pass" price, and no booking fees, therefore there are no hidden costs.

This years special Saturday night party is TBC

An "access all areas" Gold Pass is currently available for the price of just £89 which will rise to £159 as the last few tickets are sold, bank transfer to ac 83796876 sort code 207070 S A Mills or if you prefer credit card paypal payment to stuart191912@yahoo.com

Address-Great North Road, Seaton Burn, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE13 6BP

Hotel bookings contact: 0191 201 9927 - 0191 201 9954 - 0191 201 9962 - 0191 201 9936 Bookings can also be made by emailing - res@hinewcastlegosforthpark.co.uk alternatively we can recommend the Grand hotel a short distance for a great deal. Grand hotel 

For best rate quote salsa congress.

Many passes and rooms sell out on release, so please secure your place early.

Read our reviews to see exactly why people return year on year and authenticate our many years of being The Friendliest Congress on the scene.